Ovine Arthrogryposis and Central Nervous System Malformations Associated with in utero Cache Valley Virus Infection: Spontaneous Disease

Gross appearance and histologic lesions seen in 15 newborn lambs in an outbreak of congenital arthrogryposis with hydrocephalus or hydranencephaly (CAH) in Texas are described. Severe arthrogryposis with skeletal muscle hypoplasia was seen in limbs of affected lambs. Spinal column deformities were also present. Multiple central nervous system (CNS) malformations were present in CAH lambs including micrencephaly, cerebellar hypoplasia, micromelia, hydrocephalus, hydranencephaly, and porencephaly. Histologic lesions consisted primarily of areas of necrosis and loss of the paraventricular neuropil and motor neurons in the CNS and a resolving myositis with poorly developed myotubular myocytes in skeletal muscle. Seroepidemiologic studies on the flock and serologic data from heart blood taken from the stillborn affected lambs indicated that the outbreak was due to in utero infection with Cache Valley Virus.