CES-D Factor Structure among Mexican American and Puerto Rican Women from Single-and Couple-Headed Households

Use of data from the Hispanic Health and Nutrition Examination Survey demonstrated inconsistencies in the factor structure of the Centerfor Epidemiologic Studies-Depression Scale (CES-D) across female Hispanic household types (ie., with children living at home). There are differences in the number offactors generatedfor single females and women of couple-headed households and incongruities reganing which items load on factors across groups. Ratherthan thefourfactors that have emergedforAnglo married women, the authors'findings indicate nonidentical three-factor solutions (Psychosomatic, Interpersonal, and Positive Affect) for married Puerto Rican and Mexican American women. The findings highlight the importance of considering theoretical and cultural influences when evaluating the structural components of the CES-D.