Electron spectra from decay of superpartner ofWboson at thep¯pcollider

We present a detailed examination of electron spectra from p¯p collider events which are characteristic of the decay of W̃, the superpartner of the W boson. The events studied are those with a single electron and no associated charged particles or jets. Such events can arise from the sequential decay WW̃γ̃eν¯γ̃γ̃, where γ̃ denotes a photino. For electron energies less than 30 GeV, the background from direct-W-decay electrons is manageably small. The other source of electrons in this energy range—sequential decays of the form Wlν¯leν¯νlν¯l, where l is a heavy lepton or τ—is also treated. We find that W̃ decay provides a substantial excess of single electrons if the W̃ mass is less than 50 GeV. It does not seem possible, however, to distinguish between a W̃ and a heavy lepton of the same mass on the basis of these spectra.