10-Gb/s Transmission on Single-Wavelength Multichannel SCM-Based FDDI-Grade MMF Links at Lengths Over 300 m: A Statistical Investigation

We propose and comprehensively investigate a subcarrier-multiplexing (SCM) system based on 62.5-mum-core-diameter multimode fiber (MMF) using a single wavelength to achieve 10-Gb/s transmission over link lengths beyond 300 m, using 1.3-mum-wavelength lasers with radial offset launch into MMF links. The system utilizes multichannel SCM transmission using quadrature-phase-shift-keyed modulation in combining baseband transmission with three passband SCM channels at the carrier frequencies of 3.75, 6.25, and 8.75 GHz while incorporating a maximum laser modulation bandwidth of 10 GHz to ensure system compliance with the limits of current uncooled laser devices. A statistical investigation of the system highlights its capability to achieve an acceptable yield over worst-case MMF links of length 600 m. We also investigate the improvement in system performance granted by allowing a controlled overlap of frequency spectra of the passband SCM channels. In addition, we test the accuracy of the previously proposed usable average slope criterion of less than 4 dB/GHz, which is needed to achieve low-penalty transmission with eye-closure penalties <3 dB.