Molecular epidemiology and restriction site mapping of adenovirus type 3 genome types

One hundred thirty-eight strains of adenovirus type 3 isolated from patients in the United States, West Germany, and other regions between 1961 and 1984 were analyzed with six restriction endonucleases; 18 genome types were found. BglII was the most discriminative enzyme. Mapping of altered restriction sites was also performed for all six enzymes. The genome types D1 (like the prototype) and D3 prevailed among 45 and 47 strains, respectively. All genome types could be divided into two groups related to D1 or D3. Several clusters of infections by strains with the same genome type were observed. Only hints of differences were found in the pathogenicities of individual genome types. D1 strains were present in the United States and in Europe; group D3 prevailed almost exclusively in the United States.