Hard times?: Classic period Hohokam cultural development in the Tucson Basin, Arizona

Discriminant and canonical variate techniques are used in the analysis of design and form attributes of Tanque Verde Red‐on‐brown vessels from five Hohokam Classic period sites in the Tucson Basin, Arizona. Patterns suggested by the analysis are interpreted in terms of stylistic change between the Tanque Verde phase (A.D. 1200–1350) and Tucson phase (A.D. 1350‐c.1500), stylistic microtraditions during the Tanque Verde phase, and a relocation of people in an upstream direction along the Santa Cruz river and Rillito Creek between the Tanque Verde and Tucson phases. As a working hypothesis it is suggested that population movements were brought about by environmental deterioration similar to that documented elsewhere in the south‐west. Further research in order to check the hypothesis is outlined.