Light Use Efficiency and Woody Biomass Production of Poplar and Willow

Stands of clonal Salix viminalis (in 1985) and Populus trichocarpa (in 1986) were grown for one growing season from cuttings in containers, at 0.3 m spacing, supplied with trickle irrigation and nutrients. Woody biomass production (B w ) in the first year was analysed as the product of the proportion of dry matter partitioned to wood (η¯), the seasonal mean efficiency with which intercepted light was used to produce dry matter (ɛ¯), the mean fraction of incident light intercepted by the canopies (f¯), and the amount of incoming solar radiation over the season (A). Thus, Bw = η¯f¯ɛ¯A. For Salix , B w =10 t ha −1 y −1 , while for Populus , B w = 5 t ha −1 y −1 , mainly because of differences in η¯ and f¯. The Populus partitioned more dry matter to roots (and correspondingly less to stems) and intercepted less light over the growing season. The Salix and Populus clones had surprisingly similar (ɛ¯) values, namely 1. 58 and 1. 50 g MJ −1 , respectively (based on total dry matter and total solar radiation), which are very like the ɛ¯ values measured on C 3 agricultural crops in Britain. Also, the Salix and Populus clones produced canopies with similar light extinction coefficients and hence similar relationships between fractional interception and leaf area index.