In the High‐Yield Lithium‐Injection Fusion‐Energy (HYLIFE) power plant design, lithium is replaced by molten salt. HYLIFE‐II [Fusion Technol. 25, 5 (1994)] is based on nonflammable, renewable‐liquid‐wall fusion target chambers formed with Li2BeF4 molten‐salt jets, a heavy‐ion driver, and single‐sided illumination of indirect‐drive targets. Building fusion chambers from existing materials with life‐of‐plant structural walls behind the liquid walls, while still meeting non‐nuclear grade construction and low‐level waste requirements, has profound implications for inertial fusion energy (IFE) development. Fluid‐flow work and computational fluid dynamics predict chamber clearing adequate for 6 Hz pulse rates. Predicted electricity cost is reduced about 30% to 4.4¢/kWh at 1 GWe and 3.2¢/kWh at 2 GWe. Development can be foreshortened and cost reduced by obviating expensive neutron sources to develop first‐wall materials. The driver and chamber can be upgraded in stages, avoiding separate and sequential facilities. Important features of a practical IFE power plant are ignition and sufficient gain in targets; low‐cost, efficient, rep‐ratable driver; and low‐cost targets.