Movements of Translocated Wolves in Minnesota

From Feb. 1975-May 1978, 104 wolves (C. lupus) captured at or near Minnesota farms where depredations on livestock had been reported were translocated northward and eastward for 50-317 km into extensive forests; 3 others were released westward. Nine wolves were translocated twice, and 1 three times. Information on movements was obtained by radiotracking 17 wolves and by recovery of 16 others. All radio-tagged wolves left the release areas; adults left quickly, but pups generally remained longer, behaved less decisively, and settled nearby temporarily. Wolves released together did not remain together. Initial travel of most radio-tagged adults was between south and west, the general direction to their original location. Final directions were primarily to the west and northwest, due in part to physiographic barriers. Eight adults homed, 1 twice, to capture areas that were < 64 km from release sites. Nonhoming wolves were radiotracked and/or recovered 32-351 km from their capture sites and 23-302 km from their release sites. Translocation was largely unsuccessful at keeping problem wolves out of lifestock production areas. The problem of initial travel away from release sites in wolf reintroductions probably could be minimized by transport and release of 6-9 mo. old wolves.

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