Signal-analysis and a heuro-logistic interpretation of multi-lead electrocardiograms

This paper describes a personal computer (PC) based analysis of multi-lead electrocardiograms (ECGs) and their interpretation employing an approach which is a combination of the two basic and conventional approaches, namely the heuristic approach and the logistic approach. The ECG analysis part of the software has been validated using the multi-lead ECGs of the common Standards in quantitative electrocardiography (CSE) database (Data Set 3). Using the spatial velocity approach, the analysis software reliably detects the QRS complexes and then the other component waves (i.e. P & T waves). More than 90% of the fiducial locations of various waves (i.e. P-on. P-off, QRS-on, QRS-off and T-end) estimated by the analysis software using this approach are found to be well within the tolerances recommended by the CSE. A successful attempt has been made to evaluate the parameters of diagnostic importance and interpret the multi-lead ECG analysis results using the heuro-logistic approach. The computerized interpretation thus made is found to be in agreement with the visual interpretation given by medical experts.

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