Improvement of the porcine transcription map: localization of 33 genes, of which 24 are orthologous

From a resource of porcine ESTs, 52 transcripts were selected for regional chromosomal assignments in a somatic cell hybrid panel. Except for six ESTs, the chosen transcripts represented genes where the BLASTX database searches showed high similarity scores (> 90%) with a part of the single pass 5′ sequence to human, bovine, mouse, or pig entries. PCR primers for hybrid cell analysis of the ESTs were positioned in the 3′ UTR of the sequences. Confident regional assignments to pig chromosomes were obtained for 33 of the 52 porcine ESTs. Comparative human mapping data were available for 27 of these. Twenty-four proved to be orthologous genes now placed on the porcine transcription map. The data presented provide further comparative data for 13 autosomes and the X chromosome.