Fine‐needle aspiration cytology in lymphomas and related disorders

Fine-needle aspiration (FNA) is a useful technique in the care of patients with lymphomas and related diseases. It is most effective when the aspiration and interpretation are performed by the same individual and when a Romanowsky stain is the primary stain. Special studies that are applicable to lymph nodes biopsies can also be utilized in specimens obtained by FNA. In the previously undiagnosed patient, where a presumptive diagnosis of lymphoma is made by FNA, a subsequent open biopsy will usually be necessary. At that time, all the measures necessary for the precise classification of the lymphoma can be undertaken under ideal conditions. If a lesion appears reactive by FNA, then a period of clinical observation is required. In the patient with a previously diagnosed lymphoma, FNA is chiefly useful to exclude other coincidental disease and to confirm or exclude transformation of low-grade lymphoma to a more aggressive phase.