Resonant behavior of theMg24(O16,C12)Si28* (6.4Ex10MeV) reaction

Excitation functions have been measured for the Mg24(O16, C12)Si28 reaction populating states in Si28 with 6.4Ex10 MeV over the energy range 24Ec.m.36 MeV. At each incident beam energy, cross sections were measured at three angles over the range 17°θc.m.21°. More complete angular distributions with 10°θc.m.50° were measured at Ec.m.=30.5 and 32.6 MeV. Resonance-like structures are observed in the excitation functions and strongly correlate with those seen previously at forward angles for the Mg24(O16, C12)Si28(g.s.) transition. Estimates are made for the partial decay widths of the resonance at Ec.m.=30.8 MeV to the excited states in Si28. Using different background assumptions, between 5% and 40% of the total width of this resonance can be atrributed to C12+Si28* (Ex<10 MeV) decays.