Taxonomic significance of the position of double bonds of unsaturated fatty acids in Corynebacteria.

The positions of double bonds in cellular monounsaturated fatty acids isolated from 6 representative strains of corynebacteria were determined by mass fragmentography. Hexadecenoic acid from Corynebacterium glutamicum CNF 016 and Brevibacterium ammoniagenes CNF 096 was principally the .DELTA.7 isomer, while octadecenoic acid from these organisms was the .DELTA.9 isomer. The monounsaturated fatty acids in C. diphtheriae CNF 017 and C. xerosis CNF 010 consisted mainly of the .DELTA.9 isomers. In C. equi CNF 002 and C. fascians CNF 006, hexadecenoic acid was a mixture of .DELTA.9 and .DELTA.10 isomers, while octadecenoic acid was composed principally of the .DELTA.9 isomer. The profiles of double bond location in unsaturated fatty acids may be very useful for the taxonomic characterization of corynebacteria.