A Professional Development Question

The purpose of this study was to determine whether present computer usage or the expectation of future usage leads to differences in subject attitudes toward the usefulness of computers. This study also introduced predictors in computer usefulness for present and future usage of computers. Subjects were asked whether they presently used or planned to use in the future any of the following typical functions for which computers are employed: word processing, data base management, electronic spreadsheet manipulation, programming, and/or educational courseware. Seventy-five college students enrolled in different computer-based education courses participated in the study. An instrument consisting of 12 positively and negatively worded statements measuring attitudes toward the usefulness of computers were administered to the subjects. Collected data were analyzed by conducting separate analysis of variance (ANOVA). Multiple regression analyses were conducted in order to identify predictors in computer usefulness for present and future usage of computers. Based on the results of this study the authors recommend that practical experiences which highlight course objectives be incorporated into professional development activities. Recommendations were also made for future research.