Superconductivity in intermetallic compound La3Co

The electrical resistivity, the magnetization, and the specific heat were measured. The residual resistivity ρ0 and the residual resistivity ratio ρR.T.0 are 31 μΩ cm and 7.1, respectively. It was found that La3Co shows superconductivity below a transition temperature Tc of 4.4 K. The upper critical field Hc2 and lower critical field Hc1 at 0 K are estimated to be about 21 and 1 kOe, respectively, and using the relation of Hc1/Hc2≂ξ22, the ratio ξ/λ is estimated to be 0.2. The energy gap 2Δ and the Fermi energy are estimated to be 13×10−4 and 0.14 eV, respectively.