Inelastic Neutron Scattering Near Threshold

Cross sections for the production of excited states by neutron inelastic scattering were measured as a function of bombarding energy from 0 to 300 keV above threshold for the first two excited states of Fe56, the first two excited states of Cu63, the first excited state of Zr90, the first two excited states of Ba138, and the first three excited states of Ce140. Neutron-beam energy resolution was 10-20 keV. Inelastic-scattering events were counted by detecting gamma rays from the excited states. When the number of open channels for compound-nucleus decay is small, (a condition which exists near threshold for exciting low-lying states) fluctuations of reaction widths about their average values reduce the inelastic-scattering cross section from that predicted by the Hauser-Feshbach equation by as much as 50%. This correction was evaluated, assuming a Porter-Thomas distribution of widths. Good agreement was found between experimental cross sections and the modified Hauser-Feshbach equation in all but two cases.