In [male][male] with X-chromosomes to which the duplication [theta] was attached, separations of the X-chro-mosome and the [theta]-duplication were found. Genetical and cytological tests on progeny of 14 flies containing the separations showed that the disjoined pieces always contained an attachment of one arm of the Y-chromo-some. The length of the attachment could not be determined in 2 cases. The remaining cases were represented by 4 "X-chromosome with YL-arm," 3 "X-chromosome with Ys-arm," 1 "[theta]-chromosome with YL-arm," 3 "[theta]-chromosome with Ys-arm." At least 2 of 4 cross-over processes occurred. A consideration of the frequencies and kinds of cross-over products obtained in individual cultures suggests that crossing-over can occur in spermatogonial divisions.

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