Preoperative ct scan evaluation for laryngeal carcinoma: Correlation with pathological findings

The advent of newer generation high resolution computed tomography (CT) scanners has revolutionized diagnostic evaluation in head and neck cancer. Since the development of conservation surgical techniques for the larynx, a precise preoperative evaluation of the extent of laryngeal involvement by carcinoma has been of prime importance. No single diagnostic study now yields more information regarding the anatomic extent of tumor than high resolution CT scanning. This study was designed to evaluate the reliability of CT scanning in determining extent of disease at several laryngeal levels by comparing preoperative CT scans with corresponding postoperative pathology obtained by serially sectioning laryngeal specimens. We found very good correlation in the inferior larynx and good correlation in the superior larynx. Determination of cartilage invasion proved very difficult, and scanning was unreliable at all levels when severe postradiation reactions were present.