A complex control region of the mouse rRNA gene directs accurate initiation by RNA polymerase I.

To determine the size and location of the mouse rDNA promoter, we constructed systematic series of deletion mutants approaching the initiation site from the 5' and 3' directions. These templates were transcribed in vitro under various conditions with S-100 and whole-cell extracts. Surprisingly, the size of the rDNA region that determines the level of transcription differed markedly, depending on the reaction conditions. In both kinds of cell extracts, the apparent 5' border of the promoter was at residue ca. -27 under optimal transcription conditions, but as reaction conditions became less favorable, the 5' border moved progressively out to residues -35, -39, and -45. The complete promoter, however, extends considerably further, for under other nonoptimal conditions, we observed major effects of promoter domains extending in the 5' direction to positions ca. -100 and -140. In contrast, the apparent 3' border of the mouse rDNA promoter was at residue ca. +9 under all conditions examined. We also show that the subcloned rDNA region from -39 to +9 contains sufficient information to initiate accurately and that the region between +2 and +9 can influence the specificity of initiation. These data indicate that, although the polymerase I transcription factors recognize and accurately initiate with only the sequences downstream of residue -40, sequences extending out to residue -140 greatly favor the initiation reaction; presumably, this entire region is involved in rRNA transcription in vivo.