Specific Spectrophotometric Determination of Palladium with N, N'-Diphenylbenzimidoylthiourea

A specific method for the spectrophotometric determination of palladium with N.N'-diphenylbenzimidoylthiourea (DPB1TU) is described. The method in new, simple, rapid and applicable over 0.3-1.0 M HC1 and free from interferences of the precious metals i.e. Ag, Au, Pt, Ir, Rh, Ru, Os. The value of molar absorptivity of the complex in the term of Pd is (2.50)x104 L mole−1 cm−1at λmax 365 nm in chloroform. The detection limit of the method at 3 σ a is 80 ppb Pd. The composition of the complex and effect of diverse ions in the determination of Pd are discussed. The application of the method has been tested for the analysis of the metal in catalytic material.