Nuclear-magnetic-resonance study ofLi+motion in lithium aluminates and LiOH

We report T1 and T2 measurements of Li7 resonances, which demonstrate thermally activated motion of Li+ in the ionic conductors α- and β-Li5AlO4. At high temperatures our data give T1T2(I+12)2=4, which demonstrates that dipole interactions between magnetic impurities and Li7 produce the relaxation, even for our nominally pure samples, which are shown by ESR measurements to contain ∼ 15-ppm magnetic impurities. A liquidlike spatial diffusion model is used to analyze the relaxation times. At high temperatures the relaxation is determined by the Li+ jump time for which our analysis gives an activation energy Ea=0.83(2) eV for α, and Ea=0.56(4) eV for β, with an attempt frequency ν0=2×1012 sec1 for both phases. Near room temperature, T1 is apparently determined by the impurity relaxation time, for which we estimate T1e105 sec. T2 measurements in LiOH show motional narrowing of the Li7 resonance above 320°C but not the H1 resonance, and thus identify Li+ as the conducting ion in LiOH. Limited T1 and T2 measurements are also reported for Li7 in γ-LiAlO2.

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