The Nordic Comparative Study on Sectorized Psychiatry

As part of a Nordic comparative study on sectorized psychiatry in seven Nordic catchment areas, a prospective investigation of contact rates of new patients and pathways to the psychiatric services was performed. The results showed that there was more than a twofold difference between the services in the total contact rates. Regarding diagnostic groups, contact rates for neurosis were predominant in three of the services, while adjustment disorders, dependencies and personality disorders were predominant in other the services. The contact rate of functional psychosis, as well as the ratio of psychotic patients to the total contact rate were highest in two catchment areas serving inner parts of big cities. The most common way of getting into contact with the services was by self-referral, 39.4% of total referrals, followed by primary care referrals, although there were large differences between the services. Psychotic patients made contact with the services to a significantly less extent by self-referral. The majority of patients were treated in outpatient care at entry to the services, with a large variation between the services. It was also found that inpatient care at index contact was predicted by clinical characteristics—a diagnosis of psychosis and a history of former inpatient care-as well as by social characteristics—male, widowed or divorced, sick pension/old age pension.