Fragmentation and rearrangement processes in the mass spectra of perhalogenoaromatic compounds—VI. Perfluoroaromatic heterocyclic derivatives of sulfur, selenium and tellurium

The mass spectra of the compounds C12F8M2 (M = S, Se), (I), C12F8M (M = S, Se, Te), (II) and C12F8SX2 (X = Br, I), (III), have been measured. Results indicate that sulfur‐carbon bonds are more stable under electron bombardment than either selenium‐carbon or tellurium‐carbon bonds. Numerous metastable‐supported transitions are evident, which are incorporated into comprehensive fragmentation schemes for these compounds. Many metastable transitions, not previously reported, were observed for the fluorocarbon fragments and a fragmentation scheme is reported.The bromine and iodine‐containing compounds behave remarkably like the heterocyclic systems, I and II, presumably due to initial loss of Br2 or I2 to form a ring system of type II.