C-Type Virus Expression in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

Kidneys from patients with lupus nephropathy, non-lupus immune-complex glomerulonephritis and other renal diseases were examined by indirect immunofluorescence for antigens related to a C-type virus from human cells (HEL-12 virus). All 11 specimens of lupus nephropathy contained HEL-12 virus antigens deposited in the same pattern as the immune complexes. The intensity of immunofluorescence with anti-HEL-12 virus serum correlated with the extent of immune-complex deposition. In contrast, nine renal lesions other than lupus nephropathy and seven normal tissues did not react with anti-HEL-12 virus serum. Antibody eluted from one kidney with lupus nephropathy reacted by indirect immunofluorescence with human and dog cells infected with HEL-12 virus but not with uninfected control cells. These findings demonstrate a specific association of lupus nephropathy with a C-type viral antigen that is deposited as antigen-antiviral antibody complex. (N Engl J Med 295:470–475, 1976)