Manganese deficiency leads to elevated amino acid pools in citric acid accumulating Aspergillus niger

Free amino acid pools have been investigated in a citric acid accumulating strain of Aspergillus niger during batch growth under manganese sufficient and deficient conditions by means of an improved chromatographic method. Studies on the mycelial content of several nitrogenous compounds under manganese sufficient and deficient conditions showed that manganese deficiency resulted in lower amino acid pool sizes during trophophase and considerable accumulation during idiophase, and in a reduction of the protein and nucleic acid contents. Addition of cycloheximide to mycelia grown with sufficient manganese also caused an elevation of free amino acid pool sizes, thus indicating that impairment of protein synthesis by manganese deficiency is responsible for the observed rise in amino acid concentration. Furthermore it was observed that the manganese deficient mycelia excreted high amounts of all amino acids suggesting that manganese deficiency may also affect membrane permeability.