If parity is strictly conserved, the gamma rays emitted following the bombardment of unpolarized target nuclei by unpolarized projectiles can show no circular polarization. We look for such polarization, using an analyzer of magnetized iron, in the 2.14-Mev gamma ray from the first excited state of B11 formed by B11(p, p)B11* and in the 7.12-Mev gamma ray from the fourth excited state of O16 formed in F19(p, α)O16*. We expect this polarization to be of order RF, where F is the amplitude of the parity-nonconserving part of the relevant wave functions and R is a matrix element factor. We find that the intensity of circular polarization in the first case is less than 2.0×103 and in the second case 2.0×103. These figures yield F21×107 and F23×108 respectively.