Centrality Dependence ofπ+/,K+/,p, andp¯Production fromsNN=130GeVAu + Au Collisions at RHIC

Identified π+/, K+/, p, and p¯ transverse momentum spectra at midrapidity in sNN=130GeVAu+Au collisions were measured by the PHENIX experiment at RHIC as a function of collision centrality. Average transverse momenta increase with the number of participating nucleons in a similar way for all particle species. Within errors, all midrapidity particle yields per participant are found to be increasing with the number of participating nucleons. There is an indication that K+/, p, and p¯ yields per participant increase faster than the π+/ yields. In central collisions at high transverse momenta (pT2GeV/c), p¯ and p yields are comparable to the π+/ yields.