Innervation of the Incisors and Periodontal Ligament in Several Rodents: an Immunohistochemical Study of Neurofílament Protein and Glia-Specifîc S-100 Protein

The present immunohistochemical study by use of antisera against neurofilament protein (NFP) and S-100 protein dealt with the innervation of the upper incisors and periodontal ligament in five species of rodents including the guinea pig, hamster, Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguicularis), mouse and squirrel (Tamias sibiricus). The innervation pattern of the periodontal ligament and dental pulp in the incisors of five rodents was fundamentally identical to that in the rat, which we have previously demonstrated by the same method. The NFP-positive Ruf-fini-like corpuscles were concentrated in the middle region of the lingual periodontal ligament in all the species examined, suggesting that this particular arrangement of Ruffini-like corpuscles, possibly stretch receptors, was essential to the rodent incisor. The labial periodontal ligament, on the other hand, contained less numerous NFP-positive nerves, these terminating among collagen fibers as free endings.The gerbil and squirrel in particular possessed only a few nerve fibers in the labial periodontal ligament. It was thus presumed that the labial periodontal ligament might be less significant as a mechanoreceptive site than the lingual periodontal ligament. The NFP-positive pulpal nerves, beaded or smooth in shape, ran parallel to the tooth axis, but never extended to the odontoblastic layer; no subodontoblastic plexus was found in the incisors of any of the rodents. S- 100-immunoposi-tive nervous elements were distributed in the periodontal ligament and dental pulp of all the rodent species examined, showing a distribution pattern similar to the NFP-positive nerves. Only in the squirrel did odontoblasts show an intense S-100 immunoreactivity.