Solar heating (solarization) of tomato supports for control of Didymella lycopersici stem canker Previous studies have shown that Didymella lycopersici survives mainly in reed canes (Arundo donax) and Eucalyptus stakes used to support tomatoes. The solarization of the supports during the hot months of the year (May‐August), by an old transparent plastic film (180μ) which was used for two years as a cover to a plastic tunnel, reduced considerably, and without any cost, the incidence of the disease. In the plots trellised with solarized and unsolarized supports, the percentage of plants with Didymella cankers at the last month of tomato crop was respectively 1.9 and 20.7%. The maximum temperatures recorded in the atmosphere, from May to September vary from 26 oC to 34 oC. The maximum temperatures recorded during the same period under plastic were always higher than 50 oC. U.S.