The social organization and the potential correlates of social status were investigated in 18 adult female Dama gazelles and 23 adult female Cuvier's gazelles living in captivity at the Estación Experimental de Zonas Aridas in Almen'a (Spain). A linear hierarchy, positively correlated with age, was observed in Cuvier's gazelles but not in Dama gazelles. Physical characteristics (birth weight, adult weight, body length and horn length) had no effect on the social status of Dama gazelles, but adult body weight and horn size are good indicators of social status in Cuvier's gazelles. High social status was reinforced by aggression for both Dama and Cuvier's gazelles, but in Dama gazelles dominance was contested by the submissive. After the stability of dominance ranks was established, the effects of social status on the components of reproductive success were analysed (age at first birth, fecundity and annual survival of offspring). Results showed a reduction in fecundity and offspring survival and an increase in the age at first birth for low ranking Cuvier's gazelles but no effect was observed in Dama gazelles. The differential effect of rank on reproduction between the gazelles studied is discussed.