The Effects of Aspirin and Polyacrylic Acid on the Multiplication and Spread of TMV in Different Cultivars of Tobacco with and without the N‐gene

Aspirin treatment of leaves of Nicotiana tabacum cv. Samsun at 20°C induced PR‐proteins and reduced the amount of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) accumulated 7 days after inoculation. However, at 32°C both the amount of PR‐proteins induced and the reduction of TMV accumulated were less. Polyacrylic acid did not induce PR‐proteins, and caused little or no reduction in the amount of TMV accumulated at 20°C. In cv. Samsun NN at 32°C. aspirin induced the PR‐proteins and reduced the spread of TMV to surrounding tissue as treasured by the size of lesions produced on subsequent transfer to 20°C. Polyacrylic acid did not induce PR‐proteins in Samsun NN and had no effect on the spread of TMV. In cv. Xanthi‐ne, at 32°C aspirin and polyacrylic acid induced PR‐proteins and reduced the spread of TMV. At 35°C, polyacrylic acid induced little or no PR‐proteins and did not affect the spread of TMV.