All-Dielectric Electrooptic Sensor Based on a Polymer Microresonator Coupled Side-Polished Optical Fiber

A novel electrooptic (EO) electric field (E-field) sensor based on side-polished fiber coupled with an EO polymer microring resonator is proposed and demonstrated. An EO polymer waveguide with a ring shape is fabricated on the polished flat of an optical fiber. Light in the fiber evanescently couples into the resonator and forms resonant modes for certain wavelengths and produces notches in the output intensity of the fiber. External electric fields change the index of refraction of the ring waveguide and therefore dither its resonant wavelengths. For light of wavelength on the slope of a resonance notch, a change in the output intensity can be detected. The sensor is all dielectric without metal layers to distort the measured E-field. The resonant structure allows the sensor to potentially have much higher sensitivity than other electrooptic sensors based on Mach-Zehnder or polarization modulation. Since electrooptic polymers have higher electrooptic coefficients, lower dielectric constants and faster electrooptic responses than inorganic crystals, higher sensitivity, lower invasiveness, and higher bandwidth of E-field sensing can be expected. This sensor eliminates unreliable fiber-to-waveguide butt coupling as well as the high propagation loss encountered in the long straight EO polymer waveguides of sensors based on Mach-Zehnder structures. By using the fiber itself as the supporting substrate of the ring waveguide, the sensor can have small size and low disturbance to the measured electric field. The concept is demonstrated using AJLS103 EO polymer. A sensitivity of 100 mV/m has been achieved at frequencies up to 550 MHz (limited by the measurement system)