Weak phases fromBdecays to kaons and charged pions

Phases of elements of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix can be obtained using decays of B mesons to π+π, π±K+, and π+K0 or πK¯0. For B0 or B¯0π+π, one identifies the flavor of the neutral B meson at time of production and studies the time dependence of the decay rate. The other processes are self-tagging and only their rates need to be measured. By assuming flavor SU(3) symmetry and first-order SU(3) breaking, one can separately determine the phases γArg Vub* and α=πβγ, where βArg Vtd*. Special cases include the vanishing of strong interaction phase differences between amplitudes, the possibility of recovering partial information when π+π and π±K decays cannot be distinguished from one another, and the use of a correlation between γ and α in the region of allowed parameters.
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