Chalcogenide glass fiber with a core–cladding structure

GeAsSeTe, GeSeTeTl, and GeSeTe glass fibers with a core–cladding structure were prepared by one of two methods: crucible drawing or preform drawing. The diameter of the core was 340 μm and that of the cladding was 440 μm. The transmission loss spectra of the fibers were measured by the cut-back method. The crucible drawing method was preferable to reduce the loss due to structural imperfections at the interface of the core and cladding. The lowest loss of 1.7 dB/m was achieved at 10.6 μm (the wavelength of the CO2 laser) in the fibers with a GeSeTe core and a GeAsSeTe cladding. Transmission of CO2 laser power was examined using a 1.5-m long fiber and an output power of 2 W (2.2 kW/cm2 in power density) was obtained.