Concentration of Silver Atoms into Developable Specks

Experiments with silver atom pulses synchronized with potential pulses applied on AgCllayers are described. The silver atoms are deposited in vacuum on the surrace or the layers through a narrow slit. The samples are then subjected 10 surrace and to Internal development. The electric field is observed to infiuence the silver deposit only in the volume or Ihe AgCl, while it has no effect on the surrace. This leads to the conclusion that the single silver atoms remaining on the surrace appear to be stable neutral entities, while the Ag atoms penetrating the bulk become easily ionized. The results obtained are discussed in view or the mechanism or concentration or Ag atoms into developable specks. Two different modes or concentration appear 10 operate: (il on the surrace, and (ii) in the bulk or the AgCI substrate. In the bulk the single atoms obviously move via re-ejection and retrapping orthe electron. The Ag atoms deposited on the surrace seem to move as stable neutral entities, rorming developable clusters.

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