Transfer of carbon atoms among circulating glucose, alanine, and lactate in pancreatectomized dogs

The rates of transfer of carbon atoms (mg C . kg body wt-1 . min-1) among plasma glucose, alanine, and lactate have been calculated in pancreatectomized dogs from the tracer concentration versus time curves in the plasma after an intravenous injection of either [2,3-3H]- and [U-14C]alanine or [3-3H]- and [U-14C]glucose. The calculations were based on an integrated kinetic model derived earlier from experimental data. In comparison to normal dogs, in insulin-deprived pancreatectomized dogs, the rate of turnover of glucose (mg C . kg-1 . min-1) is increased about twofold, but the turnover rates of lactate and alanine are not changed significantly. About twice as much carbon is transferred from lactate to glucose, whereas the transfer of carbon from alanine is increased by 47%. Carbon transfer to glucose from unidentified sources is also doubled. In conclusion, in the pancreatectomized dog, gluconeogenesis is increased not by an increased production of alanine and lactate but by an increased diversion of their carbon atoms to glucose at the expense of other pathways.