Optical evidence for strong anisotropy in the normal and superconducting states in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+z

The optical reflectivity spectra for the bc surface of a large Bi2 Sr2 CaCu2 O8+z crystal were investigated over a wide energy range (30–30 000 cm1) at room temperature and 6 K. In the spectrum for Ec, only the phonon peaks were observed without any electronic contribution down to 30 cm1, whereas for Eb a Drude-like spectrum was observed. Even below Tc the spectrum for Ec does not show any remarkable change except for a small change in the phonon spectrum. This indicates an extremely small plasma frequency for Ec, less than 30 cm1, and thus quite a large mass anisotropy mc*/mb*>104. Such a small plasma frequency supports the conduction model along the c axis, that the supercurrent flows by tunneling through insulating (semiconductor) layers such as the Bi-O layers.