Virtual and Dynamic Hierarchical Architecture: an overlay network topology for discovering grid services with high performance

This paper presents an overlay network topology called Virtual and Dynamic Hierarchical Architecture (VDHA) for discovering Grid services with high performance. Service discovery based on VDHA has scalable, autonomous, efficient, reliable and quick responsive. We propose two service discovery algorithms. Full Search Query and Discovery Protocol (FSQDP) discovers the nodes that match the request message from allN nodes, which has time complexityO(logN), space complexityO(nvg) (nvg being node numbers of each virtual group), and message-costO(N), and Domain-Specific Query and Discovery Protocol (DSQDP) searches nodes in only specific domains with time complexityO(nvg), space complexityO(nvg), and message-costO(nvg). In this paper, we also describe VDHA, its formal definition, and Grid Group Management Protocol.

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