Localization of beckwith‐wiedemann and rhabdoid tumor chromosome rearrangements to a defined interval in chromosome band 11p15.5

Chromosome rearrangements have provided useful landmarks to identify disease loci and have served as starting points for positional cloning strategies for candidate genes. We have used fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) to map three Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS) breakpoints and a rhabdoid tumor breakpoint more precisely. These breakpoints mapped to the interval between D11S679 and the insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF2) gene on 11p15.5. A cosmid (c15-2) was identified that mapped centromeric to the BWS t(11;16) and the rhabdoid tumor-associated t(11;22), telomeric to the BWS t(11;22), and was found to span the BWS-associated inv(11) breakpoint. Pulsed-field gel analysis placed all four breakpoints into a 250-675 kb interval distal to D11S679 and at least 270 kb centromeric to the IGF2 and H19 loci. These data locate all three BWS rearrangements and the rhabdoid tumor t(11;22) breakpoint in the same region of 11p 15.5, suggesting that they may be affecting the same locus or closely linked loci. Cosmid c15-2 provides a well-defined starting point in the search for candidate disease genes.