Total Esophageal Reconstruction After Extraction of the Esophagus

During the period between 1971 and 1974, 25 cases of carcinoma of the hypopharynx and cervical esophagus underwent esophageal extraction and total esophageal reconstruction without operative mortality. The operative methods used for this series were blunt dissection, or everting stripping of the thoracic esophagus without thoracotomy followed by pharyngogastro or -colostomy as a one stage procedure via a posterior mediastinal route created by esophageal extraction. The operative technique of esophageal extraction without thoracotomy is described. It is obvious that mediastinal tunnel is the shortest route through which to put the chosen organ for esophageal substitution. This operation is to be recommended for lesion of the hypopharynx and cervical esophagus as well as some esophageal stricture because of its operative simplicity, ease, safety and rare postoperative complications.