The Effect of Chemical Substances in Mice Infected with St. Louis Encephalitis, PR8 Strain of Influenza, or the Lansing Strain of Poliomyelitis Virus

Studies with T2 Escherichia coli bacteriophage showed that this bacterial virus could be restricted in its multiplication by several types of chemicals (1–2). These studies were pursued further by investigating the effect of many of the chemicals that inhibited the bacteriophage multiplication, analogues of chemicals that reversed the inhibitions, chemicals known to have metabolic activity and their analogues, as well as chemicals of miscellaneous structure for their effect in protecting animals infected with animal viruses. The viruses used in animals consisted of St. Louis encephalitis, PR8 strain of influenza and Lansing strain of poliomyelitis. Technique. Swiss albino male mice from a pure strain raised at the National Institutes of Health by promiscuous breeding were used. Mice weighing 16 to 18 g each were used. They were housed in glass battery jars, 5 to a jar, and were fed Purina dog chow and water. They were divided into groups of 20 to 40 mice each.