Level Structure ofCr52

The low excited states of Cr52 have been investigated by studying the decay of Mn52 using scintillation spectrometers and a double-focusing beta-ray spectrometer. In addition to the three strong lines at 0.74, 0.94, and 1.43 Mev, a number of weak transitions have been observed that require the addition of at least one new level at 3.614 Mev and which yield information on the spins and parities of the various levels. The following gamma rays have been observed: 1.434 Mev (100%), 1.332 Mev (5.7%), 1.246 Mev (5.8%), 1.214 Mev (2.9%), 0.935 Mev (83.9%), 0.847 Mev (2.6%), 0.744 Mev (81.9%), and 0.346 Mev (0.9%), in addition to several weaker and more uncertain lines. A decay scheme has been constructed which consists of levels at 1.434 Mev (2+), 2.369 Mev (4+), 2.648 Mev, 2.766 Mev (4+), 3.112 Mev (6+), 3.161 Mev (1,2,3), 3.614 Mev (5+, 6+), and 3.832 Mev (5+, 6+). A comparison has been made between the experimentally determined level structure and several theoretical calculations. Mn54 (290 day) was present in the Mn52. The energy of the Mn54 gamma-ray transition was determined to be 834.9±1.1 kev.

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