The Victoria Province Drought Relief Project, I. Geophysical Siting of Boreholes

As a result of the recent drought in central Africa, an accelerated well drilling program was commissioned in Victoria Province, Zimbabwe, to help alleviate the shortage of water.An analysis of the data collected during the siting of these boreholes showed that geophysical techniques can be used reliably to determine regolith thickness and provide an indication of regolith lithology. Valleys and the zone of deep weathering around bornhardts were found to have the greatest potential for water‐supply boreholes. The relationship between regolith resistivity and specific capacity is masked by the clay mineralogy of the regolith which must be taken into account when siting boreholes. Despite this effect, optimum values of regolith resistivity for production boreholes in Victoria Province were established which may be of value in similar Basement terrain elsewhere.