The Glauber dynamics of the pure and weakly disordered random-bond two-dimensional (2D) Ising model is studied at zero temperature. A single characteristic length scale, L(t), is extracted from the equal time correlation function. In the pure case, the persistence probability, P(t), decreases algebraically with the coarsening length scale. In the disordered case, three distinct regimes are identified: a short time regime where the behavior is purelike; an intermediate regime where the persistence probability decays nonalgebraically with time; and a long time regime where the domains freeze and there is a cessation of growth. In the intermediate regime, we find that P(t)L(t)θ, where θ=0.420±0.009. The value of θ is consistent with that found for the pure 2D Ising model at zero temperature. Our results in the intermediate regime are consistent with a logarithmic decay of the persistence probability with time, P(t)(lnt)θd, where θd=0.63±0.01.