Critical fields and vortex structure of YBa2Cu3O7δ derived from reversible magnetization

The magnetic-field and temperature dependence of the Ginzburg-Landau order parameter 〈f〉 is derived from magnetization studies for grain-aligned YBa2 Cu3 O7δ in the region of thermodynamic reversibility, based on the Hao-Clem model. The value of 〈f〉 at 5 T and 89 K is still 52.3% of the zero-field value. Fitting the magnetization data to the Hao-Clem theory reveals that κc is a slowly decreasing function of temperature near Tc. Hc(T) and Hc2(T) were determined with high precision along with the κc(T) values. The detailed shape of the order parameter is derived from κc(T) and Hc(T) data. Characteristic variables derived from the data are Hc(0)=1.18×104 Oe, λab(0)=1.31×103 Å, and ξab(0)=18 Å. The BCS fitting of Hc reveals that the value of -dHc2/dT decreases from 2.25 T/K at T=82 to 1.9 T/K at Tc of 92.4 K.