Pharmacologic and Antiarrhythmic Actions of Ambonestyl (2-Diethylaminoethyl-Isonicotinamide) in Man

EXPERIMENTAL studies1 2 3 suggested that certain chemical structures might be capable of suppressing ventricular arrhythmia without possessing some of the actions previously associated with antiarrhythmic drugs such as depression of cardiac conduction, elevation of ventricular electrical threshold, hypotension and local anesthetic activity. Ambonestyl (2-diethylaminoethyl-isonicotinamide, MC 4112) was found to be a compound with just such specificity. The chemical structure of Ambonestyl and its relation to procaine amide are shown below: Extensive laboratory investigation in animals4 has demonstrated that Ambonestyl is as effective as procaine amide in the unanesthetized dog in suppressing persistent ventricular tachycardia and multiple premature ventricular contractions resulting from . . .