The second thermo-dynamic dissociation constant of 2-aminoethanol 1-phosphoric acid on the moral scale was measured at 5[degree] intervals from 5 to 50[degree] using hydrogen and silver-silver chloride electrodes in cells without liquid junction. From these measurements have been calculated the standard free energy, heat content, entropy and heat capacity for the ionization over the whole temperature range. The 1st, 2d and 3d dissociation constants of 2-aminoethanol 1-phosphoric acid on the molar scale have been estimated at 20[degree] from glass-electrode measurements with liquid junction, as <1, 5.838, 10.89. It is demonstrated how the activity coefficients may be allowed for in the glass-electrode measurements. The marked differences between acid dissociation constants of 2-aminoethanol 1-phosphoric acid and those of similar acids are discussed.

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