A Functional Recovery Score for Elderly Hip Fracture Patients: I. Development

To develop a Functional Recovery Score for ambulatory elderly hip fracture patients related to independent functioning to assess restoration of function to prefracture status. The phases of this effort consisted of: (a) identification of five relevant components represented by sixteen specific functional capacities; (b) assessment of the importance independent community-dwelling elderly gave to the sixteen functional capacities; (c) pilot testing of a sixteen-item preliminary questionnaire in recovering elderly hip fracture patients; and (d) modification of the questionnaire to an eleven-item score. The resulting eleven-item Functional Recovery Score is comprised of three main components: basic activities of daily living (BADL) assessed by four items, instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) assessed by six items, and mobility assessed by one item. Basic activities of daily living comprise 44 percent of the score; instrumental activities of daily living comprise 23 percent, and mobility comprises 33 percent. Complete independence in basic and instrumental activities of daily living and mobility results in a score of 100 percent.