Polyamines in Paul's Scarlet rose suspension cultures

Polyamine concentrations have been determined at intervals in suspension cultures of Paul's Scarlet rose cells during a culture period of 2 weeks. The mean concentrations of the putrescine, spermidine and spermine in the cells of the inocula were respectively 73, 70 and 13 nmol/g fresh weight. Putrescine at fitst increased with a peak (160 nmol/g) after 6 h, declined to a minimum (14 nmol/g) after 2–3 days, increased to a second peak (180 nmol/g) after 5–6 days, and then declined slowly to the concentration of the inoculum (taken on day 14). Spermidine rose slowly (×2.6) to a broad peak over 3–6 days (180 nmol/g), then declined slowly to the concentration in the inoculum. Spermine showed a rapid increase to a peak (130 nmol/g) after 2–3 days, and then declined rapidly, reaching the inoculum concentration by day 6. In one experiment the three amines showed a minor peak at day 11. Changes in spermine and RNA contents appeared to be correlated. DNA content reached a peak after that of the RNA (day 3) and did not appear to be correlated with the content of putrescine or the polyamines.